years of experience
International B2B Appointment Setting
International Business Development Consulting
International Business
Trade Show Marketing
International Lead Generation
Market Entry Strategy & Custom B2B Market Research
Distributor Searches
Global Business Partner Searching

always ready to adapt as your business needs
Since 2006 Fast Solutions for Trading has delivered fast, reliable, efficient, and highly effective International B2B Appointment Setting & Business Meeting Scheduling, International Business Development and Business Matchmaking solutions.
Our business matching services are used by Medical manufacturers and suppliers, and we have worked on projects across 20 countries since 2006.
Impact Your Resources
We cover markets globally through our international team across Asia, Europe, North America, the Middle East and CIS.

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Find More Clients
Our research, marketing, and international business matchmaking solutions enable our clients to make better decisions and help make their products, services and technologies more quickly and more widely available in new international markets.
Our highly personalized approach enables our clients to:
Our team’s 14+ years of international experience
Our team’s 14+ years of international experience in global business matchmaking and international B2B research enables you to get all of this done efficiently and cost effectively, lowering your distributor, partner and customer acquisition costs and achieving fast commercial results.
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It All Starts With a consultation!
To join our other clients that are now doing more business globally, contact us right now and find out how easy it can be to expand your customer base, increase sales, and find new clients in ways you may not have thought possible.
For any kind of quiries, Please call
Rashad Center -Complex # 128, Yajooz Str.
Jubeiha Amman P.O. Box: 1257, Jordan 11941
Fax : 0096265156449
Cell: 00962796000501